Perspective is everything. Our Vandalf is not a big RV or trailer with bump-outs, reclining sofas or running water. But when you’ve camped in tents all your life, a camper van is pure luxury – a tent on wheels with a six-inch memory foam mattress! – even when you can’t stand up straight inside.
After a week-long trial-run trip to Toronto to visit our daughter Liz, we returned to Ottawa and made a few adjustments. Some new Velcro tabs here, some bumper pads to fix rattley cabinet doors there.
The biggest decision we made was to leave our bikes behind when we set out on our trip to Alberta and British Columbia to visit our daughter Rachel and son, Tom. The bikes do fit nicely inside Vandalf when the bed is folded back (it’s a tri-fold mattress). Bill and our friend Arthur had built a sturdy gizmo for securing the forks to the floor. However, when the bikes were in place, they blocked access to one cupboard and everything stored under the bed. And it meant shifting the bikes into the front (across the seats) and making up the bed every night. That got old really fast, especially when the rain and mosquitoes challenged us to see how quickly we could get set up. We lost. Or rather, the bikes lost.

We finally left for the west on August 9. After two weeks on the road, we’re still learning the subtleties of camping in a van. It helps, for example, if you park on level ground. Then you don’t have to clutch the mattress to stay in bed.
We took our time through northern Ontario and spent extra days in the places we enjoyed, while staying Covid-safe. Not much free wifi that’s strong enough for uploading blogposts, though! We’ll post more whenever we can.

Really enjoyed your Express Van build. We are recently retired here in California (thanks to the pandemic) and bought a Chevrolet Express Van. Our build is a bit behind yours. We have the bed installed, 12V DC power with dual AGM batteries, Solar and added a vent. Our van will be getting a 20″ raised fiberglass top installed this fall. Your build is done well and is kept simple which we really like. Maybe someday our paths will cross. Cheers.
Thanks, Jon! After a year with our van, we’re still very happy with our design. Although, having a higher roof like you’re getting would definitely be a plus! Good luck with the rest of your build. Let us know how it goes. And yes, who knows when our paths may cross!
Wow! Thanks for the tour of Vandalf. I love it. Reminds me of my cottage.
Good luck on the road!
I really enjoyed your video. I had been very curious to see the finished Vandalf. I’m amazed at your ingenuity and creativity in using every square inch of your space to meet your needs! Love how you have even worked in a few ‘luxuries’. Wishing you enjoyable, interesting and safe travels!
Thanks, Virginia!!
You guys did a nice job. So many clever ideas. Too bad you had to leave the bikes behind, but understandable. You can always rent ones in many places nowadays. I am intrigued by the Jackery battery. That is such a great solution for what you need. Some of the van conversion clips I watched seem to have much larger systems. Is it 500W one?
Yes, we’re really happy with the Jackery so far! Suits our needs perfectly. Yes, it’s 500 watts. We can run it for about two days (with the fridge on all the time and lights and fan running sporadically) before it needs recharging.
Wow, wow, wow. I am super impressed. And also completely convinced that I would never be neat and organized to maintain the systems for long.
Bill was very good about putting things in the right place until after the first week. Then he just started shoving things wherever he could find a spot. Sigh…
Loved the video.
I’m impressed beyond belief at your combined talents.
I especially love the spice rack 😘
Yes, the spice rack is one of my favourite features too! I’m happy you liked the video. I really hate listening to my own voice…
Amazing! Love this cute little house on wheels.
Thanks. It really is quite cozy, in a good way!
Brilliant! You should post your video on YouTube for all to see. You could provide inspiration to others to attempt what you’ve accomplished. Well done. (But too bad about the bikes as I know you both love to ride.)
I can hardly wait to see your shots of the mountains, although, having lived in Friendly Manitoba for a year, I still prefer the beauty of the prairies.
Carry on Vandalfing!
We were wondering if people raised on the prairies feel claustrophobic in the mountains. The prairies are indeed beautiful and get overshadowed by the mountains (literally!) when it comes to descriptions of stunning places.
The video is indeed posted on YouTube — our first posting there! You can subscribe if you want!
Just a great video tour. Makes us want to start travelling tomorrow.
You have the RV, so you could start any time! You don’t even have to build something!
Wow! That’s an amazing vehicular home you have there, Kathryn & Bill! Enjoy your trip across the country & stay safe!
Thanks, Anthea. We are being very careful. Avoiding big cities and crowds.
Kathryn and Bill: You are such an inspiration! Your resourcefulness, ingenuity and team work never cease to amaze me. Not only am I enjoying each and everyone of your travel stories, I have picked up so much practical advice from you, especially when it comes to the design/build plans for Vandalf! Love the jackery!! Enjoy your cross-country adventure and safe travels!
Great to hear from you, Pauline! I am quite sure that you would be equally resourceful, if not more so, if you ever wanted to tackle a project like this.
Absolutely brilliant! I’m so impressed. Love it all, especially the shower. “Kathryn likes the clean stuff” is the best line…Happy travels guys!
Thanks, Centenie! We are hoping to be in the Vancouver area this fall, so perhaps we could have a covid-safe get-together?!
YESSSSSSS please get in touch when you’re in this neck of the woods! I have oodles of vacay between Sept 4 and Dec 19 and may be traveling to various places in BC so we could even meet somewhere outside of Vancouver. I would love a camino reunion!
Another ‘WOW’ guys… you sure have invoked your prestigitational skills turning an empty van into a ‘more-than-fully-equiped’ away-from-home home! The video leaves nothing to guess about, other than how do you decide which of you lovers gets priority on the use of commonly needed devices? Can’t wait for your next blog. – Moe
Whoever is the most desperate gets priority! Other than that, we’re pretty good at sharing!
Thanks, Odette. Say ‘hi’ to all the book club ladies for me!
Glad you are ” on the road again 🎶”. The van is fantastic everything in its place , love it…..enjoy, waiting for the next instalment of your blog…
Thanks, Liz! We are sooooo happy to be on the road again!
So good to see you out on your adventure! The tour of the camper was great.
Q: Now that you have had a number of nights in the bed (Bill) how are you finding the length?
The bed is 1 or 2″ shorter than me, but it has not been a problem at all. Very comfortable – perhaps because I am a side sleeper?